Thursday, February 21, 2013

Two Ladies of Shalott

Ivory Flame is one of my favorite models.  Her face reminds me of a young Miranda Richardson, and she clearly has a great love of the Pre-Raphaelites from her images.

I love these images of Ivory Flame with equally lovely and Pre-Raphaelite model Ella Rose.  The images were intentionally inspired by The Lady of Shalott.

For more images, click here.  Ivory Flame does figure modeling, hence the blog content warning when you click the link.


Ella Rose said...

Thanks so much for featuring Keith Cooper's images of Ivory Flame and I. Lovely to see them here. :-)

Grace said...

Thrilled to share these images, Ella Rose. Your work just amazes me with its grace and painterly expression.

Pound Foolish said...

So gorgeous, thank you for sharing this. I've just discovered your blog, and I shall likely return more than once. I am obsessed with the Middle Ages, art, fairy tales, and so on.

Grace said...

Pound Foolish, sounds like you'll love this blog then! Enjoy, and feel free to comment! :)