Friday, August 1, 2008

William Morris in Foreclosure

My friend on Live Journal recently did a blog directing my attention to The Shire, in Bend, Oregon. Of course I adore Oregon to begin with, but as I went to the site and looked through the beautiful drawings of homes with medieval and Old World detailing, I couldn't help but think of William Morris and his appreciation for fine craftsmanship, quality, and the medieval times. Plus the community concept uses natural and Old World detailing done in an eco-friendly and modern ized way that is truly impressive. I really feel that this community is a modern day extension of William Morris' ideals. Click the link to see the amazing ideas behind this community. Being an apartment dweller myself, I especially love the townhomes.

Now for the bad didn't work. Sadly, the community is now in foreclosure. As the creator of the community explained, “The development wasn’t able to materialize fast enough before the market crashed.”

It breaks my heart to see this dream of an artistic and creative community with a shared appreciation for simplicity and beauty not becoming a reality :(


hi said...

Wow, that is just amazing - and sad that they didn't work out. I will definitely save that link - those are dream houses! Reminds of this one that I saw ages ago and have drooled over ever since:

Oh to live in a little Hobbit hole all by myself! ;)

Margaret said...

That is so sad. It was a bit corny, but I fell in love with "The Shire" from the first time I saw the development plans a couple of years ago. How depressing that it won't work out!

Grace said...

It really is a pity :(

Grace said...

Thank you :)