Thursday, August 18, 2011

Geek Your Library

So, I work at a library, and I am a huge, huge fan of my job. I am also a huge fan of libraries in general...I practically lived at them during my growing up years, I read so often.

There is a great new campaign from the OCLC called Geek the Library. It's a fun promotional campaign to show the public that no matter what the thing is that you are most passionate about in life, the library can help you in pursuing your enthusiasm. Toward that end, library employees were encouraged to create their own posters sharing what they personally "geek."

Well...are you ready to see mine?

Please try to contain your shock. I know it's an entirely unexpected choice.



  1. You will never know how many sisters you have out there :D

  2. Ha ha ha!
    I think the choice of the painting subject doesn't match your smile... :-)
    Perhaps you should photoshop it and put some Rossetti in dead Ophelia's place...
    Another option would be to dress up and match the pose of a (Rossetti) painting you will be holding... (you are a "stunner" anyway ;-) )
    I envy (and I imagine many of us are) your job. You are very lucky!

    P.S. I think you should check (and probably put in your list of art sites)
    It is not pure PRB but the visuals and the philosophy are astonishing.

  3. Great poster - love it. Make a great t-shirt.

  4. Hermes+Pegasus: G(r)eek your library! :-D

  5. Pix, it's wonderful how the internet brings us all together!

    Thank you Painting Queen!

    Pegasus, I chose Ophelia because it is definitely the best-known Pre-Raphaelite work, and in my local city, there have thus far been no people who have understood my geek, so I could use all the help I can get ;)

    Hermes, thanks! All the posters we did of each person turned out pretty good!

    LOL @ G(r)eek your library. We should put a sign up in the mythology section that says that ;)

  6. I just humg up a copy at my desk in
    the library ... maybe I can hang
    one at the Information desk too ..

    - Caroline (take a bow - it's
    a wonderful poster)

  7. I love it! And I'm sure you're equally shocked. :-D But seriously, great photo and terrific design. Hooray!

  8. Great idea! I think making this available as a poster and or t-shirt (fundraiser for your library) could be a winner!


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