Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pre-Raphaelite Drawing Club

While searching on Google for something entirely different, I came across this wonderful website for a Drawing Club in California who apparently had a model who came and posed in a Pre-Raphaelite style. It's fun to see the different resulting images that were created.

A further search on their site revealed another night of the drawing club where the theme was Pre-Raphaelite. Gorgeous images, all!!


  1. Its good isn't it that the tradition carries on to a new generation.

  2. Ooh, I love the sort of remixing feel. So many ways to interpret the Pre-Raphaelite motifs ...

  3. Love these drawings. You're right, all interpretations are beautiful. Nice find!

  4. Absolutely! It's wonderful to see the mood of the Romantics carried through in modern styles. :)


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