Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Antoon Van Wely

A recent post on a Live Journal group for Art Nouveau made me aware of this artist. In the post, brotherinbeauty writes:

"Arts & Crafts, and the Pre-Raphaelites were the breeding ground of Art Nouveau.
The serene and ethereal look of the women painted by the pre-Raphaelites Dante Gabriel Rossetti or Edward Coley Burne-Jones echoed in the expressions of Art Nouveau women in the next decades. A Dutch painter who was very much influenced by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was Antoon van Wely. His qualities were international recognized, exept (typical Dutch) in his own country. Here are some examples of his work."


  1. Hi,

    Enjoy your beautiful pre-raphaelite blog. I had never heard of VanWely.

    Thought you might be interested in my blog with many of my paintings that echo pre-raphaelite subjects.

    Let me know what you think.



  2. Lovely blog! I look forward to seeing more.

  3. The top post is not by Antoon van Welie. This is the proper information:

    Alexandre Séon (French painter) 1855 - 1917
    La Pensée (The Thought), 1898
    oil on canvas
    61 x 38 cm.
    private collection

  4. I'm afraid the first painting is not by Antoon van Welie. It was painted by Alexandre Séon (French painter) 1855 - 1917. It is called La Pensée (The Thought), 1898. oil on canvas, 61 x 38 cm. It is beautiful though.

  5. Thank you for the information! I've updated the post accordingly.


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