Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I have a strange request. I know I can't really afford to fly to Montreal for the Waterhouse exhibit, but please leave me any one of these enormous, gigantic Lady of Shalott posters seen throughout the city to advertise the event? I don't even mind if it covers the entire living room.

My favorite image:

Yes, please...I'll find room for this one:
Even in the subway:
Or in banner form:


  1. oh wow, those are so cool! I'll take a banner, please :-)

  2. I can't deliver a banner, but I can send you a postcard and report on the exhibit! It was wonderful, to say the least. The revelation of the show for me was seeing the "Magic Bowl" in person, and realizing how vibrantly aqua the water both in the bowl and at her feet is. It never comes across in reproductions!

    I also spent a good twenty minutes gazing rapturously at "I Am Half Sick of Shadows". It remains my all time favorite painting of his. There were a few paintings not there, including several that are in Andrew Lloyd Webber's collection, the fink! No Hylas and the Nymphs, no Ophelias at all, and no Tales of the Decameron. No Wind Walker or Spring (The Flower Picker), either. The Soul of the Rose was there though, and I gazed my rapturous fill at that one as well. There is a catalogue for the exhibit, the repros are not so good, but the essays and descriptions are excellent. Elizabeth Prettejohn was the editor and wrote one of the essays.

    Anyway, if you give me your address I shall send you a large postcard of the Lady of Shalott that they feature on the banner.

    All the best,


  3. That would be divine if you wanted to do that! Where shall I email to send you my address?

  4. So so so very cool, I love it! I want one too!

    P.S. I think I commented a while ago but I just wanted to say hi... I found your blog recently and absolutely love it :).

  5. The posters for the London exhibition were quite cool too. All over the tube making it a more cheerful place to be!

  6. Oh I can imagine that would be deliciously festive, to have images from Waterhouse in the tube. :)


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