Thursday, June 25, 2009

Waterhouse purses

Oh, for a limitless budget! Thanks to Jen again for sending me the link to these absolutely stunning Waterhouse art purses. I especially adore The Soul of the Rose one, and would buy it in a heartbeat if I could.


  1. those are fabulous. i wish i had an unlimited amount of money for these things because YES, i would buy one. I want one!!!!!!

  2. You and I both my friend; these are the ultimate! I also have a small velvet bag collection and these would fit in perfectly. I particularly like the one with the woman sipping from the bowl. Magnificent. Let us dream on! Anita

  3. Me too, me too. I want one!!!

    The dimensional effect is particularly nice on these. What beautiful craftsmanship.

  4. Aren't they lovely. I know a few friends who would love one of these.

  5. *swoons* Those are beyond beautiful! Thank you for sharing! I think we need fainting couches for these moments :-)

  6. These are adorable; I'd buy one just to sit casually on a little table but, of course, would be better behind glass, away from dust!

  7. These purses are full of WOW! Wish I could own one :)

  8. the detail & design of these is so gorgeous, oh i wish . . . i shall have to make do and add them to my precious things!!!! but i shall dream!


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