First, however, I do have to direct your attention to a new website I found last night, vaguely related to the week's beginning discussions on Pre-Raphaelite hair. Rapunzel's Delight is a website I know I'll spend much time enjoying and exploring. The galleries there are stuffed to the gills with vintage Victorian and more recent-era photographs of beautiful long-haired ladies. There's something fascinating about seeing a Victorian photograph. It more directly hits me that this is not just an archetype of a mythic figure, like in art, but it's a real person who lived and breathed.
Now, on to the meme....
Here are the instructions:
Link 1 must be about family. Link 2 must be about friends. Link 3 must be about yourself, who you are… what you’re all about. Link 4 must be about something you love. Link 5 can be anything you choose.
I think this is a great way to circulate some of the great older posts everyone has written, return to a few great places in our memories and also learn a little something about ourselves and each other that we may not know.
Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least TWO of the people you tag must be newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better….and don’t forget to read the archive posts and leave comments!
Of course for my entries I have to be a bit liberal in my definitions, but bear with me.
Link #1...family. I'm going to link to my blog post about William Morris and his selfless love he exhibited. This was my entry for Valentine's Day, and I give a nod to my beloved fiancee at the end of the post.
Link #2...friends. For this I'll link to my post about Grace Notes Photography. Aurora, the owner, is a new but dear friend of mine.
Link #3...Myself, who I am. Well, mercy...this whole blog is about that! But I'll link to my blog from this past weekend on Pre-Raphaelite tresses, since I've modeled myself after these lovely ladies since I was a mid-teenager.
Link #4...Something I love. I can has William Morris Interiurz?
Link #5....Anything. Well, I was pretty pleased with my blog about Artistic Dress....and it inspires me to dare to be different.
Hi, Grace!
I love your blog. My wife and I can't resist a beautiful pre-Raphaelite. I think one of our favorite paintings qualifies, shown on my post "Where Gentlemen Fear to Tread -- and With Good Reason." If it's not, I apologize for my ignorance!
I'm also writing to tell you about a project I'm working on. It's a collection of Thank You Stories, to be published in a book titled I Never Got to Thank You.
I would love to include one of your Thank You Stories.
You can read about the project on my post:
If you like what you read, I would also be very grateful if you would pass on my link to anyone else you're comfortable with -- even if you don't write a Story yourself. My goal is to collect 100 letters by March 31st. Everyone is welcome to contribute a letter -- or more than one!
Thank you for reading. Congratulations on the engagement!
Blessings to you!
Absolutely, that qualifies as Pre-Raphaelite! :) I'm actually familiar with your and your wife's blogs...I've enjoyed checking in on them occasionally for a while!
I'm honored to be invited to join the project, and I already know precisely who I would write about. I will get back to you about it!
Oh, I'm so glad you posted the Rapunzel site! When you did your post about hair, I went looking for some of the long hair sites I used to visit from time to time, but they'd all turned into rather creepy, "You can buy CDs of all these lovely ladies brushing and washing their hair" types of sites. Very weird. This site is much more the way they used to be--quirky, and eccentric--but enjoyable. :)
And I am *delighted* to be included in your "friend" link! :D *hug*
We have a local hair salon in Columbus called "Rapunzel's Long Hair Salon" actually...I used to go to it, can't afford it on a regular basis anymore, but I should still go in there sometime...they did SUCH a great job.
The best hair cut I ever had in my life, was from this supercilious, pretentions, flowing-robed hair superstar in San Diego called "Janus". I'd been persuaded by one of my uber-vain (but oh-so-dishy) housemates--a guy who spent more time on his hair and face every morning than any girl I'd ever known--which was saying quite a lot, as we were all in a performing arts school at the time! ;)
Anyway, Patrick convinced me that it was worth the $100 or so to get my hair cut by him. (Now, bear in mind--this was in the late 80's. And I was making about $3.50 an hour, at my work-study job...with no other income...)
Janus took one look at me, and wrinkled his nose, and lifted my long hair in his hands, then threw them up in the air, and said, "It must ALL come off. This is TERRIBLE. OFF. ALL of it!!!"
I assured him that it was NOT all coming off--and dug out the pictures of Nia Peeples I'd hoarded from Tiger Beat, to show him how I wanted my hair.
"It cannot be DONE! Your hair is too--THIN!!" (insert sneer)
But I assured him that it's what I WANTED, and so, muttering and gesticulating, he took his shears in hand, and began madly snipping away, and long, long CHUNKS of my hair fell to the floor--and I close my eyes and reminded myself that it would grow back...
And then he was done. Still sneering, and obviously disgusted with me and my long hair...and my hair was *light*. TOO light. I opened my eyes--and MAGIC!!!!
It looked like I had a body perm! It was light, and fluffy, and while it no longer went to my behind, but to my waist--it was INCREDIBLE!!! It didn't look cut--it just looked *fabulous*!!!
Unfortunately, I couldn't work up the nerve to see him again (or the money either), before I moved away...and so here I am...20 years later...still dreaming of that one, wonderful haircut... ;)
So yeah-I totally know what you mean about your hair place! (I hope they're nicer than Janus, though! ;))
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