A couple of people mentioned that the only thing I was missing in the apartment was tapestries. Well, tapestries are a bit beyond my budget, but this stairwell wall had been bothering me ever since we moved into the apartment 3 years ago. My mother and I recently created three giant banners/fabric wallhangings for this wall, featuring paintings I did of Beauty, Beast, and a crest with a crown, rose, and my and my husband's initials. Boy is it a relief to have something on this giant wall now!
I was also inspired by the tapestries/wall hangings William Morris and friends created for ...Kelmscott I believe? I can't find pictures offhand of these hangings.

Our dining room area, featuring blue and white china! Topsy and Rossetti would be proud. And yes, that is Spider-man hanging from the gothic wrought iron arch. I like to throw in little quirky touches that show Tom's personality too, and he adores Spider-man.

My husband bought me this beautiful Waterhouse Ophelia years ago for my birthday, but we kept running short on funds to frame it (it's a canvas print). At his brilliant suggestion, we decided instead to run out and buy silk flowers that mimicked those in the print, and "frame" it with these. I so love the result.

I love all the light that your apartment gets. Love the silk flower idea, and who was the lovely person that gave you the Kinuko print above your bottles? (tee hee) ;)
Your apartment looks wonderful! A million times better than my 'flat' that I have back here in England. John Waterhouse pictures, Spider Man (been a fan all my life) and is that one of Neil Gaiman's 'Death' dolls beneath Ophelia? Funnily enough, I was going to write about the upcoming Death film in my blog soon (time willing). Lastly, speaking of Ophelia, are those canvas prints any good? I've always been tempted but never took the plunge.
Thanks, Grace
Why I got it from Edie, Edie! :D
I hope you read this here..your blog looks wonderful! I look forward to perusing it further. And yes, that is a Death doll. In the next apartment post of my upstairs, you'll see Tom's "Death shrine" we have in the hallway, with a bunch of Death statues and books and such on a shelf. (he also has two Death-theme tattoos)
I'm a big supporter of Allison Lohman for the role of Death. I didn't realize how perfect she'd be until we were watching White Oleander and she dyed her hair black. Look at this and tell me this isn't Death!
Plus I think she'd perfectly hit the combination of innocence and wisdom Death needs.
The canvas print is from Illusions gallery, and it's wonderful! If you do decide to get one from Illusions, can you please go through my friend Tess' website? She gets a commission that way, and with her current cancer troubles, she could use the help.
The wall hangings on the stair wall look great. LBx
Oh dearest Grace! I somehow missed this post...when I check to see current posts, I must have just seen "My Apartment" and assumed that it was the first tour...WOW! I am going to comment on your third post. Anita
Grace, after looking at those photo's you're right, Lohman could do the job. So much so, I doctored one of the photo's to make her more 'Death-like', which I posted on my blog (which ended up being my little post on Gaiman/Death that I've been meaning to do). I gave your blog a mention so I hope you don't mind.
Sorry to hear your friend isn't well and yes, I'll definitely remember Tess' website (which I've already looked at) when I finally get myself a Waterhouse canvas. Which one to choose is the hardest part. I could write a post on that alone ;) Jim
Ohhh! An apartment inspired with Pre-Raphaelite interiors from paintings to the decors is definitely rare to see in any home! Your unique medieval taste has turned your home into a very charming and unique abode, no doubt. The furniture and the use of fabrics are important interior design aspects during the pre-Raphael period, and you stuck with it quite well. Overall, I loved how you designed it!
Tyrone, thanks so much! Now I have a whole house to play with :) :)
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