Redheads were definitely a popular choice in Pre-Raphaelite art, and perhaps that's why as I look around this blog devoted to modern redheaded models, so many of the shots look utterly Pre-Raphaelite to me.
My favorite model featured is Katerina Martinovska, but there are many lovely women on this blog.
Waterhouse, Burne-Jones and the others would have been keen on seeing these. They are beautiful.
Grace, you look like a redhead...do you know that is my favorite color of hair? I think that is one reason why I am attracted to Waterhouse's art, but of course for his beautiful expression of that period. My dad was a redhead but I came out with jet black, straight as an arrow hair! VERY LOVELY MY FRIEND! Take care. I need to find a scanner to show you Wharton. Anita
Grace, I've given you an award on my blog. Please visit: http://tea-sympathy-and-perfume.blogspot.com/
What a lovely blog you have here. I hope you don't mind if I add it to my list of favorites.
Have a lovely evening,
She is called, "The Pink Lady." She has an English accent and is very fussy. She makes me laugh to the point of tears sometimes. She will come out with some one-liners that get me everytime! Anita
Mary, I'm honored! Thank you! :D
Miss Sandra, thanks so much! Please do follow!
And Anita, of course! The Pink Lady!
The last on is my fav and I love how her russet braids are forming the trim on the neckline of her gown. Who needs ballfringe, right?
Lisa, your hair is so gorgeously long I bet you could easily do the same sort of thing! :)
Thank you very much for referring my blog to others.
It was my honor! What a lovely corner of the internet you've created! :)
These are all excellent posts. thanks for the links. You seem to be reading day and night looking for good stuff to post lol.
Thanks! I'm glad it seems that way :D
Topic is really informative and entertainng same time.
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