The Brotherhood just keeps popping up in unexpected fashion-y places lately! I was exploring the Flickr account of a favorite photographer, Brooke Shaden, and found a link to this blog post of hers about a recent shoot she did for Bullett Magazine. She and the editors agreed that the shoot should be inspired by "the famous Pre-Raphaelite painters". Actually, only the first artwork was painted by a Brotherhood member (Millais' Somnambulist, thank you Robert Parry for the identification), but the second and third are by Victorian Romantics (Waterhouse and Bouguereau) inspired by the Brotherhood. The inspirational artworks are fun to see, and the resulting images are gorgeous.
Apparently the images she shared are not the ones appearing in the magazine, so I'm curious to see what does appear, especially since she mentions renting a boat and filling it with flowers. Sounds gorgeous!